Rowan Foxx, Rebel Priestess
Ignite Your Power! Your life was not meant to be ordinary… It was meant to be extraordinary!
Personal Empowerment:
Intention-setting, visualization, intuitive readings, energy work, ritual, ceremony, and spell casting.
Community and Connection:
A place to gather for rituals, workshops, or other events that focus on spiritual growth, healing, and empowerment.
Path Working:
Path working with nature, spirit guides, ancestors, and totem animals is a multifaceted practice that encourages individuals to explore their spirituality, connection to the natural world, and personal development.
Ways You Will Empower Yourself!
- Develop and enhance Your Intuition
- Release old patterns that are holding you back
- View your life map and sacred contracts in the akashic records
- Build a strong relationship with your spirit team
- Bring magick into your everyday life
- Experience powerful energy healing techniques & activations
- Harness the power of hypnotic trance to create change in your life
- Journey to parallel realities, other worlds, places and times to retrieve hidden wisdom, gifts and talents
- Be a part of inspiring group discussions, spirit and healing circles
- Online and in person classes and workshops
- Work with Rowan one on one as you hone your new skills
COMING SOON: The Rowan Foxx Academy of Mystical Arts community. Downloadable classes and workshops available, live events, community ceremonies, discussion topics, and more.
Featured Upcoming Events
Anam Cara Life Path Reading And Healing
75-minute session (includes recording)
Imagine stepping into your divine power! You have a spirit guide who holds your life map, a blueprint of your earthly sojourn, and can help you reach your full potential by unlocking hidden messages and symbols. Your life map contains information that, when revealed, could help you make huge changes in your current circumstances.
Engage with your Anam Cara, your life path spirit guide, in this reading. Through this reading, we will delve into the life map that was created before you embarked on your earthly journey. We will explore your spiritual journey through destiny points and sacred contracts by reading the Akashic records and accessing past lives. This process will reveal your unique gifts and talents, as well as the obstacles that may be impeding your progress. We'll then shift our focus to healing the obstacles and enhancing your gifts, helping you to fully embody your soul's purpose.
Scheduling link:
Alchemy of Love
75-minute reading (includes recording)
Is your love story ready to be told?
Do you feel that your partner appeared in your life by divine appointment? Are you eagerly awaiting that soul-mate connection? This reading uncovers the love alchemy in your life, whether you're currently in a relationship or preparing for one.
A breathtakingly heart-centered reading, this one explores the facets of love and romance with astrology, numerology, and future progression. As we explore the Akashic records, a repository of past life connections, karmic patterns, and sacred love contracts, hidden information emerges regarding the connection and chemistry you feel with each other. The love story that has led you to this point reveals itself as a guide to help you heal from the past and pave the way to the best possible future. This is the Alchemy of Love!
Scheduling link:
Click here for all Upcoming Events
Rowan’s Virtual Reiki Box
Rowan, alongside the Reiki guides, has developed the Virtual Reiki Box as a tool for healing.
In this practice, Rowan meditates to send Reiki energy to the box. This process allows Reiki guides and healers on the inner planes to channel a continuous flow of healing energy to individuals who apply for assistance. Those seeking support can submit their names, email addresses, and locations. The healing energy is directed toward their needs, promoting healing for health, finances, or other life challenges. This system operates 24/7, ensuring that help is available whenever it is needed. There is no charge for this service. It is confidential and preprogrammed to send healing as soon as the request is made.
Tea Leaves & Tarot Parlour location in Phoenix, OR
Stop in and see us for psychic & tarot readings, classes, workshops & community.
We have plenty of room for all our products, merchandise, reading rooms, healing room, and space to relax in meditation by the altar.
New location: 142 S Main Street, Phoenix, Oregon
Wheel Of The Year Ceremonies
Click here to watch Rowan's Imbolc video recording of the 2025 Imbolc spell casting ceremony.
Client Testimonial
Rowan is an amazing healer with a rare access to higher dimensional information, insights, and healing tools. I trust her to the ends of this earth. She has a way of bringing forth just the right information to help her clients advance on their journey, while helping them to let go of blocks, and heal the physical and etheric bodies. After a session with Rowan, I always feel so much more aligned with my higher self and my cells are vibrating with new life. Rowan is a true mystic with powerful ancient connections, an excellent psychic, and she is indeed magickal.
~Neha H.