Energy Healing

Rowan-foxx-mystery-school-magick-workshops-psychic-readings-spiritual-counseling-coaching-ashland-talent-medford-oregon-pic-30Energy healing sessions may be in person or received at a distance healing.

For distance healing, Rowan can work on you at any time. She will send you a recorded message with information received from your guides after the session.

When you schedule your healing session, fill out the intake form describing your physical, emotional or mental issues. Rowan will tune in to the guides in order to bring forth the best healing modality for you. She is often guided to use more than one modality in order to address imbalances in your body and energy system.

As a reminder, energy healing goes deep and should be treated with love and respect. Be sure to take time for yourself, drink lots of water, eat healthy foods, get additional rest and allow your unique energy the opportunity to process and heal on all levels.




Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

– International Center For Reiki Training

Rowan incorporates years of training in esoteric healing modalities. She combines vibrational healing, energy balancing and distance healing with Reiki.

Distance healing is based on quantum physics and the concept that energy is not confined by time and location. The healer is able to send and direct healing energy to the client from any location.

You do not have to be physically present to benefit from a distance healing session


Holy Fire III Karuna Reiki ®

The energy and vibration of the Holy Fire Reiki master symbol comes directly from Source, “where all there is, is love,” the place of pure consciousness, beyond duality, form, and individuation. It is beyond masculine and feminine, it is pure love, which is at the core of all of creation. When we invite the symbols of Holy Fire Reiki, we are directly connected to the source and guidance of pure divine love. Unconditional love.

Holy Fire Reiki works the same way that all Reiki energy works. It can be given in person or at a distance.

Holy Fire has the power to heal past traumas and wounds without the needing to be consciously aware of them. Holy Fire ignites the power of your own soul to awaken and expand in this lifetime.


Metatronia Therapy

Metatronia Therapy is a healing system brought to mankind by Archangel Metatron. MT uses sacred geometry codings and Universal healing energy / frequency to bring about profound healing. – Tammy L Majchrzak – – 2010 – All Rights Reserved | Metatronia Therapy®


Sacred Alchemy Activations

Sacred Alchemy Activations ™are a combination of sacred geometry and energy activations to align you with goals and assist in making major transformational shifts in your life. Tapping into the energy of the violet flame, the activations cleanse and revitalize your physical body as well as your subtle energy system. The activation restores you to your divine blueprint whilst removing obstacles that are getting in the way of achieving your goals. Sacred Alchemy Activations ™ are short and very powerful. You may notice changes days after the activations.


Schedule An Energy Healing 

30 Minute Energy Healing Session – $65.00

60 Minute Energy healing Session- $90.00